Joana Reintjes und Julia Lipkowska mit Zeitung

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Im Rahmen des Wahlmoduls Staging Lab II an der AMD Berlin wurden Konzepte und Prototypen des Seminars Disrupt the Default des Moduls Design Concepts im SoSe24 im P&C Conscious Store am Potsdamer Platz in Form einer Ausstellung präsentiert. Dabei wurden Arbeiten von 25 internationalen Studierenden des zweiten Semesters im Masterprogramm Sustainability in Fashion and Creative Industries in Szene gesetzt.

Teil dieser Ausstellung war eine Kooperation mit der Straßenzeitung Karuna Kompass, dessen Verkauf und Erlös Obdachlosen obliegt. Die Studierenden Joana Reintjes (FJC) und Julia Lipkowska (FD) übernahmen die redaktionelle Leitung und Koordination.

Wer seid ihr / was studiert ihr & wo?

JOANA: Hi, I’m Joana Reintjes, studying Fashion Journalism & Communication (B.A.) which I started in my hometown Düsseldorf. During my internship in Fashion Marketing in Berlin I experienced in the media landscape and decided to stay.

JULIA: Hi, I’m Julia. For three years now I’ve been dividing my time between Poland where I come from and Berlin where I’m studying Fashion Design (B.A.) at the AMD.

Worum geht es in eurem Projekt? Was ist Inhalt – erzählt gerne ein bisschen darüber.

JOANA: The collaboration between AMD Berlin and Karuna Kompass is an inspiring project that combines the creative energy of the „Sustainability in Fashion“ Master students with the social commitment of Karuna Kompass, addressing the topic of inclusivity in creative industries. The August issue aims to showcase the innovations of AMD students while addressing important social issues and the lack of authentic inclusivity in the industry. The Karuna Kompass issue contains the individual student projects, which range from innovative designs to sustainable concepts. My highlight is the Interview I did with Sema Gedik on size inclusive design and the importance of “Auf Augenhöhe”. A brand that campaigns for inclusive sizes in the fashion industry, focusing on people of small stature. The cover with Anna von Rüden was done by students to portray Age-Inclusivity in fashion – in a playful way. Another editorial with the theme „Harmony in Hues“ rounds off the project. The highlight was our course exhibition of the projects in the P&C Conscious Fashion Store at Potsdamer Platz in Berlin.

Was hat euch inspiriert?

JOANA: The combination of creative corporate strategies, transformative sustainability processes and solution-oriented student design combined with the required social responsibility of Karuna Kompass was driving us through the project. In fashion, the focus on inclusivity is often superficial leading to a lack of practicable solutions. Bringing together different ideas and parties to contribute to an realistic inclusive industry was very inspiring.

Wie war der Ablauf in der Kreation und Umsetzung?

JULIA: It was definitely time consuming – a lot of editing and even more editing and then editing all over again. The conceptual part went pretty fast because we knew we had to showcase the projects of the SCI Masters and the ideas for interviews and other content were immediate. Collecting all type of content from people and organizing it was the biggest challenge for us.

Was war euch bei der Umsetzung des Projektes besonders wichtig? Was möchtet ihr „hervorheben“?

JULIA: Probably connecting with the SCI Masters students to really dive into their designs and work closely together on how to present it to the public in a form of a newspaper. They were amazing to work with and had a lot of insight to share so it was a great opportunity to network and discuss our perspectives on the future of inclusivity in fashion with other creative individuals as well.

Was ist für euch das Besondere an eurem Studiengang? Was hat euch bisher
besonders gut gefallen?

JOANA: In my Fashion Journalism & Communication (B.A.) degree program, as the name suggests, the main topics are very diverse. This leaves room for creativity and individual development, while realizing professional interdisciplinary projects.

JULIA: Well, what is special for me is the amount of practical assignments and theexperience I’m getting from them. The fashion design program is very hands on and involves a lot of physical work, which taught me patience and persistence. So far I think my personal favorite were the experiments with fabric manipulation.

Welche Fächer und Projekte sind eure Highlights innerhalb des Studiums?

JOANA: I love to improve my writing skills and gain valuable knowledge in the field of marketing. Project-related Karuna Kompass is definitely one of my Highlights as well as the exhibition about „Deconstructing Gender Archtypes“ in my fourth semester. We had the opportunity to present it at the Neonyt in Düsseldorf.

JULIA: The Karuna Kompass newspaper issue, haha. This project is surely a highlight within my studies. I really enjoyed it. This semester I also had an opportunity to help run an upcycling workshop in the Adidas pop-up Laundromat in Berlin with the SCI masters.

Wieso habt ihr euch für den Studiengang entschieden?

JOANA: Besides learning from industry professionals the study programme is project based which enables opportunities to actually work in professional creative industries during your studies.

JULIA: While in high school I was torn apart between pursuing fashion and film. I did visual arts and loved styling, so I figured fashion design could be it. I’ve been used to studying in English as well because I did IB and wanted to study abroad. It was a bit of a lucky shot in the end.

Wo seht ihr euch in der Zukunft?

JOANA: With knowledge in Marketing and journalism I gained important insights in the fashion landscape. I am motivated to constantly expand my skillset and to contribute my ideas about social and cultural sustainability to help companies developing innovative solutions and driving forward. I am excited about upcoming projects in the future.

JULIA: Doing a Master’s in Barcelona possibly? I have my eyes on one degree program in advanced design and I would love to live by the sea for a while. Afterwards, surely moving back to my home country – I miss it so much already!

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